发表于 2021-7-14 11:52:46
| 来自河北| 来自河北来自: 中国河北廊坊
一,喜欢就去表白 大不了连朋友都做不成 做朋友有什么用 我又不缺朋友 我缺你。
If you like it, you can't even be a friend. What's the use of being a friend? I don't lack friends. I lack you
二,你知道吗 我不想做你的路人 我想做你余生故事里的人。
You know, I don't want to be your passer-by. I want to be your story for the rest of my life.
Listen to the rainbow clouds in Roy for 3 minutes and 38 seconds. That's what I want to say to you.
四,我写了三行字. 爱要藏在哪里才适合,你有能否一眼便知。
I wrote three lines. Where is the right place to hide love? Can you tell at a glance?
Stand for you and never be neutral.
Conquer the troubled times, and write poems with you.
Like it is like a rabbit's world, it rains carrots.
I just want you to take me home.
九,你就是我的碳酸饮料 看见你我就开心的冒泡。
You are my carbonated drink. When I see you, I will bubble happily.
十,遇见你之前 沉迷过往 遇见你之后 盘算未来。
Me Before You indulges in the past and plans for the future after meeting you.
Today, I ate a candy with a sandwich in it. It's unexpected. Would you like to eat it?
In this treasure hunt, you are my favorite treasure
十三,不想做玫瑰 只想做你心头的野草 烧不尽 吹又生。
I don't want to be a rose. I just want to be a weed in your heart. It burns and blows again
You are a gift that I have waited for half a life to open.
The moon is different, only the full moon.
About meeting one side, you can make a few days before and after meeting stained with light, and become a good day.
十七,放弃一个喜欢很久的人是什么感觉,孔雀东南飞 十里不回头。
What's it like to give up someone you've liked for a long time? Peacock flies southeast for ten miles without looking back.
I want to be your night, and I want to be your morning.